Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sons of Anarchy Season 5 Wrap-Up

The season 5 finale of Sons of Anarchy is on Tuesday, December 4. More than likely it'll be a hour and a half to two hour episode. SOA is one of the most popular shows on television, but definitely a show you need to pay attention to or else you'd probably miss it. SOA is getting more and more popular and exposure as the show grows and matures, with their lead actor, Charlie Hunnam, making the cover of Entertainment Weekly for the month of November. Co-stars include Ron Perlman (Hellboy) and Ryan Hurst (Remember the Titans). 

The story is heating up. Keep in mind that SOA is the kind of show you need to be following from day one or your going to be lost. SOA is about to wrap-up season 5 so you have a lot of catching up to do, but Netflix has your fix for that. 

Season 5 has definitely been the most emotional season yet. I am not one to tear up during a movie, let alone a tv show, but when SOA creator, Kurt Sutter, decided to kill of a main character this season (one of my favorite character) and kill him off in an emotional and brutal way, I nearly had a breakdown. I've watched SOA for 5 years, since the pilot, and I feel like I've grown with the characters and joined them on their journey, and when the MC (Motorcycle Club) loses one of its brother, I felt like I lost a brother. Credit is due to the excellent writing from the men and women of FX. 

Get on Netflix and start watching. SOA is one of the greatest TV shows in history and has a huge, loyal following. Check SOA out on FX every Tuesday night at 9pm central.

More Superheroes Anyone?

Is anyone watching Arrow on the CW right now? It's on every Wednesday night at 7pm central on the CW and so far, I am loving this first season! I checked out the pilot when it made it's debut in October and I was immediately hooked. It tells the story of Oliver Queen, the heir to the billionaire corporation that is supposedly corrupting and destroying the home city Oliver loves so much. After Queen is stranded on an island for 5 years after his yacht was caught in a storm and sank (the sinking of the ship may or may not have been an accident). Oliver made it to a life boat with his father, who ended up taking his own life in order for Oliver to live on. His dying wish was for Oliver to correct the mistakes his father made in his past, basically removing the corruption from the city.
Oliver is a changed man after being rescued from the island. Five years later, he's a trained killer. He returns to his home but brings a persona with him. In order to remove the corruption from the city without raising any alarms from different people, he must become the Arrow (a play on of the DC comic hero, the Green Arrow.)
Queen also returns home to his family, his best friend, and his ex-girlfriend who he must make amends with and re-bond with after his time on the island.

This is a very brief synopsis of what to expect if you watch Arrow. If you love superheroes, this is probably the best superhero TV show to date, exceeding Smallville in my opinion.
Check it out, I doubt you'll be disappointed.

3.5/5 stars

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Middle Finger to Top 40

Fearless Records is either paying homage to today's Top 40 hits or sending a middle finger salute to today's music. On November 13, Fearless Records released the 5th installment of Punk Goes Pop, featuring a number of metal, metalcore, punk, alternative bands covering a number of today's hits from artists such as Justin Bieber, Gotye, Fun, Carly Rae Jepsen and Coldplay. Take out the auto-tune and put in actual musical talent from a variety of bands that add a headbanging twist to music pre-teens sing to on the way to McDonald's.

I have always been a sucker for covers, especially earlier when I posted an entry about the metalcore band, Crown the Empire, who released their cover of Maroon 5's "Moves Like Jagger." They even return in this compilation album with a cover of Maroon 5's "Payphone." These covers are definitely not for the weak of heart.

It's a lot of fun and heavy tunes that is certainly made for rock fans. It's definitely a good laugh when rock covers sound better than the original track.

Punk Goes Pop 5 = 4/5 stars.


Things are taking an interesting turn for all superhero fans out there. Back in July, Christopher Nolan concluded his epic Batman Trilogy with The Dark Knight Rises. We all know how that film ended. It looks like that ending is becoming a new beginning. Over the course of the next 5-6 years, DC Comics and Warner Brothers are looking to up their competition with Marvel. As successful as The Avengers film was and plenty of sequels on the way, DC is piecing their resources together to make the Justice League movie and a number of DC hero movies a reality.

A report/rumor was released today that Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Looper, Inception) would reprise his role as John Blake and the NEW Batman. Sources are saying that Levitt has agreed to play Batman in the Justice League movie. A Batman franchise reboot is planned for 2016, but no information has been released on the matter. With Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor all getting sequels in the next two years with the Avengers sequel in 2015, Justice League is set to release the same year of 2015 with individual hero movies following the years after, but Superman will release Summer of 2013. 

But if your dying to get a glimpse of Man of Steel, then be sure to go see The Hobbit when it is released on December 14. Before the opening credits, you will see the full-length of Man of Steel. Also, see The Hobbit in IMAX and included you will see the opening 10-minutes of Star Trek Into Darkness, the sequel of JJ Abram's 2009 Star Trek film. 

Also, as I type, it has just been announced that Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart will reprise their roles as Magneto and Professor-X in the new X-Men movie, alongside Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy. 

A superhero stew seems to be brewing in Hollywood, especially now that DC is in the business of making GOOD superhero films. Christopher Nolan wrote the equation for DC to make good movies, and with his involvement with Man of Steel, he's just gonna prove his point even more. Although, I do believe DC has a lot of catching up to do. Marvel has been on a role since 2008, they are way ahead of the curve. DC needs to take their time and not rush these movies. 

I'm just as excited as anyone else for a Justice League movie, but when you mess with Batman and Superman, your messing with the two biggest heroes in the industry with the two biggest fan followings. Get a good script, get a good director, and be smart with casting. 

Keeping everyone up-to-date on movies, music and much more. Let me know what your thoughts are.