Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Things are taking an interesting turn for all superhero fans out there. Back in July, Christopher Nolan concluded his epic Batman Trilogy with The Dark Knight Rises. We all know how that film ended. It looks like that ending is becoming a new beginning. Over the course of the next 5-6 years, DC Comics and Warner Brothers are looking to up their competition with Marvel. As successful as The Avengers film was and plenty of sequels on the way, DC is piecing their resources together to make the Justice League movie and a number of DC hero movies a reality.

A report/rumor was released today that Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Looper, Inception) would reprise his role as John Blake and the NEW Batman. Sources are saying that Levitt has agreed to play Batman in the Justice League movie. A Batman franchise reboot is planned for 2016, but no information has been released on the matter. With Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor all getting sequels in the next two years with the Avengers sequel in 2015, Justice League is set to release the same year of 2015 with individual hero movies following the years after, but Superman will release Summer of 2013. 

But if your dying to get a glimpse of Man of Steel, then be sure to go see The Hobbit when it is released on December 14. Before the opening credits, you will see the full-length of Man of Steel. Also, see The Hobbit in IMAX and included you will see the opening 10-minutes of Star Trek Into Darkness, the sequel of JJ Abram's 2009 Star Trek film. 

Also, as I type, it has just been announced that Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart will reprise their roles as Magneto and Professor-X in the new X-Men movie, alongside Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy. 

A superhero stew seems to be brewing in Hollywood, especially now that DC is in the business of making GOOD superhero films. Christopher Nolan wrote the equation for DC to make good movies, and with his involvement with Man of Steel, he's just gonna prove his point even more. Although, I do believe DC has a lot of catching up to do. Marvel has been on a role since 2008, they are way ahead of the curve. DC needs to take their time and not rush these movies. 

I'm just as excited as anyone else for a Justice League movie, but when you mess with Batman and Superman, your messing with the two biggest heroes in the industry with the two biggest fan followings. Get a good script, get a good director, and be smart with casting. 

Keeping everyone up-to-date on movies, music and much more. Let me know what your thoughts are.

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