Friday, April 20, 2012

Movie Review: God Bless America

Actor/Comedian/ Director, Bobcat Goldthwait, has directed and released his latest movie, God Bless America, starring Joel Murray and Tara Lynne Barr. Joel Murray (brother of comedic legend, Bill Murray) stars as Frank, a middle-aged, divorced, opinionated man who has become fed up with everything in his life. After getting fired from his job (for being nice to a receptionist when she took it as sexual harassment), and being diagnosed with a brain cancer that will soon kill him, Frank pulls out his Colt .45 and puts the gun in his mouth. Before pulling the trigger, Frank witnesses an episode of "My Sweet 16" where a spoiled brat girl gets pissed at her parents for ruining her party and buying her a Lexus when she wanted an Escalade. Watching in disgust, Frank travels to the girl's school and puts a bullet in her head. Roxy (played by actress, Tara Lynne Barr) witnesses the murder and commends Frank for silencing the whiny, spoiled high school brat. Roxy convinces Frank that there are plenty of others that she and Frank believe deserve to die. And so the road-trip, killing spree commences. Some of there killings involve teenagers/college kids in a movie theatre, talking, texting, and throwing popcorn, a guy who double parks his car, and many others. 

This movie is a movie I have been waiting for, creatively tapping into our societal pet peeves and annoyances and seeing karma at its best. We've all been to the movies and dealt with annoying teenagers and people on their cell phones, doing things that disrupt your movie-going experience. We've all gone to the mall and noticed an empty parking spot in the very front, closest to the doors, and realized no one took the spot because someone decided to park their car in two spots.  For all those who had those times, who turned on MTV or VH1 and watched all the crap shows they air, I recommend this movie. 

Now some of you are probably thinking, what a horrible movie, how morbid, how dark? All I say is, EXACTLY! This movie is a dark comedy. The death scenes are so over-the-top that you can't help but laugh, and when that guy who double-parked his Hummer gets a bullet in the chest, you can't help but laugh, and cheer! We all can find something wrong with society, or we all have pet-peeves and this movie takes an AK-47 and blows those frustrations away. This movie is enjoyable, and the back and forth rants between Frank and Roxy are funny and you can't help but agree with almost everything they say. It's a Bonnie and Clyde of 2012. This movie gets 3 out of 5 stars. 

You can find this movie On Demand and will be hitting theatres on May 11.

Now you can notice that I don't write too many reviews on movies, but practice makes perfect. My next review will be the Avengers, which releases on May 4th. I haven't been able to watch too many movies lately due to my college budget, but I will do my best to post a review on a weekly/monthly basis.

Enjoy guys!!

God Bless America Poster

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