Friday, May 4, 2012

Movie Review: The Avengers

In 2008, Iron Man premiered all over the world, and if you stayed after the credits, you learned that Nick Fury (played by Samuel Jackson) wanted to talk to Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) about the Avengers Initiative. Four years and five movies later, the Avengers have arrived and are here to save the world. Being the superhero movie fan that I am, I couldn't wait for the Avengers to finally release. As soon as I could, I bought my tickets to the midnight showing at a movie theatre here in Omaha. And 24 hours after viewing the movie, I am still blown away by the awesomeness of this movie. Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk & more come together to save the world from Loki and his army of aliens who seek to conquer the planet Earth. I am not gonna get into specifics about the movie, and I'm not gonna breakdown the movie piece by piece and tell you why I like it, but the movie brings tons of action and humor to make The Avengers one of the most enjoyable movies I've ever seen. It's about two and a half hours and it goes by FAST. If you've seen both Iron Man movies, you know the great humor Tony Stark brings to the table, and you mix that with great fight sequences from all the heroes, such as The Hulk beating up Loki and throwing him around like a rag doll and the supreme accuracy of Hawkeye, never missing his target. The Avengers has already broken some records and has the potential to break more in the coming weeks. Take a date, friends, or family to the Avengers and you will not be disappointed. It's a fairly vague review but hopefully you get the idea, GO SEE THE AVENGERS!!!

5 out of 5 stars

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